Here are some simple, unfinished little uxn sketches I wrote in November of 2021 while working through the 1 week uxn tutorial.


This program draws a dotted line from the top left of the screen, diagonally down towards the bottom right, then promptly crashes!
With a little work we could make the line bounce around the screen, but for now this will have to do.


( devices )
|00 @System [ &vector $2 &pad $6 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ]
|80 @Controller [ &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 ]

( main )
  ( set system colors )
  #2ce9 .System/r DEO2
  #01c0 .System/g DEO2
  #2ce5 .System/b DEO2

  ( set x/y )
  #0008 .Screen/x DEO2
  #0008 .Screen/y DEO2

  ( set screen vector )
  ;on-frame .Screen/vector DEO2


  .Screen/x DEI2 INC2 DUP2 DUP2 ( increment x and dup )
  .Screen/x DEO2 ( write to x )
  .Screen/y DEO2 ( write to y )
  #0001 AND2 JCN2 ,&end ( if x is odd, jump to end )

  ( draw a pixel )
  #01 .Screen/pixel DEO



This creatively named program allows you to move a box left and right across the screen using the left and right arrow keys.

day4 gif

( devices )
|00 @System [ &vector $2 &pad $6 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ]
|80 @Controller [ &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 ]

( macros )
%HALF2 { #01 SFT2 } ( divide a short by 2 )
%color-clear { #40 } ( clear 1bpp sprite from fg )
%color-2 { #4a } ( draw 1bpp sprite w/ color 2 and transparent )

%DUP4 { OVR2 OVR2 } ( duplicate 4 bytes (2 shorts) )


( zero page )
@sprite [ &pos-x $2 &pos-y $2 ]

( main )
  ( set system colors )
  #2ce9 .System/r DEO2
  #01c0 .System/g DEO2
  #2ce5 .System/b DEO2

  ( center sprite y pos )
  .Screen/height DEI2 HALF2 #0004 SUB2 .Screen/y DEO2

  ( set sprite addr )
  ;square .Screen/addr DEO2

  ( set screen vector )
  ;on-frame .Screen/vector DEO2


  ( clear sprite )
  color-clear .Screen/sprite DEO

  ( arrow key control flow )
  .Controller/button DEI
  #40 AND ( isolate "left key" bit )
  ,&left JCN

  .Controller/button DEI
  #80 AND ( isolate "right key" bit )
  ,&right JCN

  ,&draw JMP ( else, jump to draw )

  .sprite/pos-x LDZ2 #0004 SUB2 .sprite/pos-x STZ2
  ,&draw JMP

  .sprite/pos-x LDZ2 #0004 ADD2 .sprite/pos-x STZ2

  ( update Screen/x % width )
  .sprite/pos-x LDZ2 .Screen/width DEI2 MOD2 .Screen/x DEO2

  ( draw sprite )
  color-2 .Screen/sprite DEO

@square ff81 8181 8181 81ff


The beginnings of a simple tictactoe game. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor around. Press CTRL to swap the cursor between X mode and O mode.

tictactoe gif

( devices )
|00 @System [ &vector $2 &pad $6 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ]
|80 @Controller [ &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 ]

( macros )
%PIXEL { #01 .Screen/pixel DEO }
%X1 { #00 SWP .Screen/x DEO2 } ( inc -> short and set x )
%Y1 { #00 SWP .Screen/y DEO2 } ( set y with offset )
%SET-X { .Screen/x DEO2 }
%SET-Y { .Screen/y DEO2 }
%TO-SHT { #00 SWP }

( zero page )
@pos [ &xpos $2 &ypos $2 ]
@turn $1 ( player 0 or or player 1 )

( main )
  ( set system colors )
  #2ce9 .System/r DEO2
  #01c0 .System/g DEO2
  #1ce5 .System/b DEO2

  ( assign controller vector )
  ;on-controller .Controller/vector DEO2

  ( set sprite addr )
  ;ocursor .Screen/addr DEO2

  ( horizontal lines )
  #f000 ( set up counter and conditional )
    INC DUP ( inc and dup counter )
    #0050 SET-Y X1 PIXEL ( set x/y and draw pixel )
    DUP #00a0 SET-Y X1 PIXEL ( set x/y and draw pixel )
    DUP2 ( copy cond and counter )
    GTH ,&whilex JCN ( compare and jump )
  POP2 ( clear the stack )

  ( vertical lines )
  #f000 ( set up counter and conditional )
    INC DUP ( inc and dup counter )
    #0050 SET-X Y1 PIXEL ( set x/y and draw pixel )
    DUP #00a0 SET-X Y1 PIXEL ( set x/y and draw pixel )
    DUP2 ( copy cond and counter )
    GTH ,&whiley JCN ( compare and jump )
  POP2 ( clear the stack )
( end of main )

( run on keypress )

  ( clear sprite )
  #40 .Screen/sprite DEO

  .Controller/button DEI #10 EQU ,&up JCN
  .Controller/button DEI #20 EQU ,&down JCN
  .Controller/button DEI #40 EQU ,&left JCN
  .Controller/button DEI #80 EQU ,&right JCN
  .Controller/button DEI #01 EQU ,&control JCN
  ,&draw JMP

    .pos/ypos LDZ2 DUP2 #0000 NEQ2 TO-SHT SUB2 .pos/ypos STZ2 ( y -= y != O )
    ,&draw JMP

    .pos/ypos LDZ2 DUP2 #0002 LTH2 TO-SHT ADD2 .pos/ypos STZ2 ( y += y < 2 )
    ,&draw JMP

    .pos/xpos LDZ2 DUP2 #0000 NEQ2 TO-SHT SUB2 .pos/xpos STZ2 ( x -= x != 0 )
    ,&draw JMP

    .pos/xpos LDZ2 DUP2 #0002 LTH2 TO-SHT ADD2 .pos/xpos STZ2 ( x += x < 0 )
    ,&draw JMP

    .turn LDZ #01 EOR .turn STZ ( turn = !turn )
    .turn LDZ TO-SHT #30 SFT2 ;ocursor ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2 ( Screen/address = ocurs + turn << 3 )
    ,&draw JMP

  .pos/xpos LDZ2 #0050 MUL2 #0024 ADD2 SET-X ( set x pos (mult and offset) )
  .pos/ypos LDZ2 #0050 MUL2 #0024 ADD2 SET-Y ( set y pos (mult and offset) )
  #41 .turn LDZ ADD .Screen/sprite DEO ( draw sprite )

( sprite )
@ocursor 3c42 8181 8181 423c
@xcursor 8142 2418 1824 4281